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  The Artwell Gallery

Trina Strong Vernal
Since I was 8 I have loved art and the creative process. I have no formal art training except time--I have now been painting for 34 years. I used to work mostly in oils, acrylics and pen and inks. I sold alot of pen and inks to private collectors and Ducks Unlimiteds local chapter liked them for their fundraising auctions. Then I discovered watercolor....I have painted nothing else since then that was 1 year ago. In that year I have learned my strengths and weaknesses in the media. For example, I used to paint too light, then I discovered value and now I paint completely different than I did. I also discovered that I was quite good at painting people. This amazed me since I was always so afraid to attempt live subjects because of the skin tones and the subtle blending of color on the face and hands. But I found I not only could do it, but I could do it well. To better understand the media I went to workshops in 1998 and 1999 and furthered my ability a little each time. The instructor was impressed and thought I showed talent. I paint predominantly indian peoples and their crafts. I have a large collection of pueblo pottery I use in many of my paintings, I also like the southwestern landscape and paint it alot. Old historic buildings and petroglyphs are also great subjects for paintings. If you dont lover what you're painting then the painting won't work, it will look stiff. I love the southwest and its people so I feel I have been succssful in my artwork.

At the juried art show in Vernal in 1998 I won second place for watercolor and sold the painting. This year we have formed a small group of artists into a club called the Blue Mountain Artists. We are having our first show in June. In July the Outlaw Trail Juried Art Show is scheduled, as well as the Steamboat Springs Juried Art Show Colorado. I will be entering paintings in all of these shows. In addition in November a friend and I will be putting on our own artshow at the Western Park Museum in Vernal Utah. As you might guess I have been very busy painting, luckily its something I love to do.

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